Dean's message

College of General Education

IN Chung - Ang

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, represented by artificial intelligence, big data, and metaverse, has become natural in our daily life. In addition, due to the continuous decline of the school-age population and the lack of decent jobs for the young generation, universities are facing more difficulties than ever before.

Universities are changing from the traditional quest for truth to the pursuit of developing talents with practical values reflecting social needs. Now we are moving to develop a generalist with a broader perspective rather than a specialist armed with expertise, in order to enter an era of convergence of knowledge in many fields.

Chung-Ang University’s College of General Education provides a variety of curriculum based on cultural imagination, and has made efforts to systematize online education while experiencing COVID-19. As a result of the shift from an educator centered curriculum to student centered curriculum, the lectures of College of General Education have been highly evaluated for many years.

Nowadays, as the importance of creative and convergent thinking is emphasized, all of the members of Chung-Ang University will take the lead in the development of future talented people equipped with a wide range of knowledge and thinking skills.

Dean of the College of General Education

Kim He Young